Privacy Policy

The privacy of students holds a high regard for UK Assignment Help. We consider it our foremost responsibility to protect the data and information our students entrust to us. The sole purpose of this privacy policy is to inform potential customers of UK Assignment Help, that their information will be kept confidential at all times and will be protected and encrypted at all costs.

Cookie Policy

Ever wondered how a website can understand your preferences and offer a tailored experience? Well cookies come into play here, the magical crumbs of the internet! At UK Assignment Service, we use cookies to personalize your journey on our website. We use these digital delights responsibly, always with your privacy in mind. Feel free to manage your cookie preferences in your browser settings, but remember, some goodies might be missed if you turn them off.

How to Disable Cookies from the Site?

In case you don’t want your information to be recorded as cookies, you can easily disable it from your browser settings.

  • Open the settings in your browser
  • Select the privacy & security option
  • Choose cookies and other site data
  • Remove all the cookies by clicking on Clear all

Initial Security Terms

We are fully aware of your concerns regarding data confidentiality, which is why we take multiple encryption and security measures to ensure full data protection for you. Our privacy policy entertains all your concerns as it is our ethical responsibility to secure all the information provided by you. You can rest assured your data is secured by all means and will be kept secure from any third parties.

  • The first and foremost information we store in our data is your email address, for the sole purpose of carrying out uninterrupted communication and fulfillment of your project. Rest assured your email address will be kept confidential at all costs. Every email you’ll receive from our end is to provide you with the utmost benefit in terms of keeping you updated regarding changes in our policies or services, ongoing discount offers, and exclusive deals.
  • The second most important thing we require from you is the Initial requirements of your project which may include the subject of your assignment, the number of pages you require, the level of your degree, any details of your assignment, your preferred style/format, and the word count assigned to you by your instructor. Make sure the initial requirements you provide are as detailed and accurate as possible.
  • The next important detail is the deadline within which the assignment has to be submitted. This is a very crucial detail as the quote you will receive will vary if you choose an urgent deadline.
  • We also require you to choose the mode of payment you prefer along with your payment details which will be removed from our database once your project is completed.

Policy & Alterations

UK Assignment Help holds all the rights to make amendments to this policy at any time.

Contact us for any further doubts or queries, our customer support is ready to guide you promptly!

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